Monday, June 29, 2009


I like you. You are some of my best friends, my boyfriend, and my family.

But you see, if you stop me in the street, the intimidation/annoyance factor usually outweighs the any-desire-I-might-have-had-to-speak-to-you factor.

If you stop me in the lobby of my dorm and try to chat me up while I am trying to leave, you should know that I won't go out of my way to speak to you again.

If you continue to try to convince me to break my language pledge so I can make aimless small talk with you in English, you are far too sure of yourself and I already don't like you.

If you follow me to the cafeteria despite the fact that I am only speaking Chinese and doing my best to get rid of you, you are a certain kind of special and you can rest assured that we will not become friends.

Also, to women and men alike, if you live and study in China, you should probably at least attempt to speak a little.

Now, that I've vented, the question is do I make up a topic for the 300-character essay that is due tomorrow, or do I ask the teacher to tell me what I'm actually supposed to be writing about? I'm leaning towards the latter because it is 2 am and I have class at 8 am. I was not a very good student this weekend. But the good (/terrible if I want good grades) news is I finally got internet in my room! Anyway, a more substantial update will come when I shouldn't be sleeping or studying. I can't believe 1/8 weeks is already over. I think I'm getting the hang of classes (though maybe not the homework) and I really do feel like I'm making a lot of progress. I do miss home, though. Harbin weather has been nice this week, but strange: sunny and breezy for most of the day with out-of-nowhere, massive thunderstorms (I have never in my life witnesses such loud, long bursts of thunder. Sometimes it sounds like gunshots). California will always be the place to be. But it's bedtime. I'm happy I finally learned how to say goodnight so my roommate and I don't fall asleep in silence. 晚安


  1. LOL! I think your topic should be about men's various bad means of communication and the lessons you want them to learn. =)

  2. "Piss off I have a boyfriend."
    I guess they wouldn't really understand that unless you've found a Chinese equivalent. Or maybe it would be rude >__>

    >:D do your homework.

  3. Hey, remember strangers are subject to follow you around don't smile. Give them the look of death, with a touch of confusion. I've found it works on those with intellectual difficulties.

    The Battle Family

  4. Boys are silly. I don't know anything about Men.

    I made a language pledge this summer too. But, um, English is pretty easy.
